Radiofrequency Skin Tightening: Know Everything About It Before You Try!

Isn’t it depressing to wake up one morning and notice wrinkles and loose skin that wasn’t there before? Well, you are experiencing something that 100% of people go through it: aging. Wrinkles, saggy skin, and cellulite are some of the signs that are unavoidable due to aging.

To control your aging factor, you should reach out to one of the best Med Spa in Los Angeles – La Mel Contour.

Ahh, how awesome it would be to get youthful and silky-smooth skin again! Hopefully, one day scientists will discover a way to turn back time or bottle up the fountain of youth. However, until that, we have your back.

Luckily, there are alternatives to make the clock slow down a little bit and help you get the tighter and smoother skin you dream of. Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening is one such alternative for you – Read the blog to know about it.

Radiofrequency treatment is an effective technique in which radiofrequency energy is used for skin tightening. Basically, it gradually diminishes wrinkles, cellulite and cures skin laxity.

Radiofrequency treatment is becoming quite popular due to its minimal side effects. Although, there are certain things you might not know about this particular treatment. Hence, we La Mel Contour are here to tell you things you need to know about radiofrequency treatment. We are known as one of the best Med Spa in Los Angeles.

It Targets Saggy Skin

Specialist dermatologist and founder and medical director of Eudelo Dr. Stefanie Williams explain that radiofrequency is appealing because it’s a non-invasive and relatively gentle way to tighten skin:

“Radiofrequency (RF) is a treatment that has become increasingly popular in recent years and uses RF energy to heat the dermis and tighten the skin without damaging the top layer.”

It’s Not only about Face

2017 found that 24 of the 25 people who underwent 5 to 8 sessions of RF therapy sessions saw an improvement in their body shape.

The loose, delicate, and sagging skin of your whole body can be treated using radiofrequency. If you are seeking one of the best radiofrequency treatments for weight loss? Please book an appointment with us!

It’s Painless

The procedure is painless; however, you may experience redness after radiofrequency treatment to last 24 hours. Patients may deal with a little bit of tenderness due to heat, don’t worry, it is bearable. The skin is heated at a bearable and controlled depth. Skin temperature is measured continuously during the procedure to avoid burns and other problems.

It Requires Multiple Sittings

For best results, you’ll need 5 to 6 treatments. After several sessions, you will have more firmer and radiant skin. On point, it will treat fine lines and sagging skin of your face as well as your body.

It’s a Lunch Break Thing

On average, one treatment takes time, just like a lunch break – from 30 to 45 minutes. Therefore, you do not have to spend hours getting firmer skin. In La Mel Contour, we help our clients reach their ideal body shape with modern non-invasive & pain-free methods for both women and men. We can guide you with radiofrequency treatment for weight loss.

Is Radiofrequency Safe?

Some people think that radiofrequency exposure can grow the risk of cancer. But radiofrequency treatments are FDA-cleaned and highly controlled.

Additionally, there is no clear evidence that shows the link between cancer and radiofrequency exposure. So, it is a safe and effective treatment.

According to the Federal Communications Commission: “While some experimental data have suggested a possible link between exposure and tumor formation in animals [male rats] exposed under certain specific conditions [9 hours of daily exposure], the results have not been independently replicated. Many other studies have failed to find evidence for a link to cancer or any related condition.”

There are chances that radiofrequency skin tightening may or may not be suitable for you. But only you and your skin specialist can decide that.

But what is right for you is gorgeous, glowing skin! Don’t put it off any longer — try La Mel Contour to fix patches for yourself, and you’ll soon be on your way to smoother, younger-looking, tighter skin!

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